Happy Holidays

Bring in the holiday season with some festive Slayer Worship (courtesy of Georgia Staples.)

Seth Deth at Bike Kill 7

showing off the vest he had me paint for his moped gang Mission 23.

Check out this interview

I did with my former teacher/curator Ana Finel Honigman for Saatchi Online.


This Saturday, I'm going to Pop-Tarts World.

My Mom Fucking Rules

She does some amazing work under the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology. She recently helped organize a project which will bring 38 young women from the Muslim world who are emerging technology leaders in their home countries to the United States for five-week mentorships at leading technology companies. There is a great writeup on the project here.


Put this together recently. Threefingerednaptime.com


Me and Romie like to get a little crazy.

Ughhhhh. Too hard.

Happy November.

Look into my eyes, you'll see who I am

My Name is Lucifer, please take my hand.